Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The Norae Shanty will be open as part of Constellation: A backyard art expedition on Sat. May 28th from 6 pm - 10 pm (Sun. tba). Please come on over and join in the song exchange, "all plays" and a potential "rock-block". There are many cool projects happening throughout this weekend so be sure to check out the website and list of all the cool happenings.
Monday, November 22, 2010

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
One Year...
I checked back one year and saw that I had posted about going to the beach with the kawabata family, and seeing whales playing in the ocean. Those were magical and memorable times. I hope that our daughter Kaelani will have an opportunity to experience this for herself one day with her parents.
I plan to instill in her a deep appreciation and value for all things karaoke. To anyone out there whom might catch this, thanks for sharing in the amazing norae process.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Wed. Jan. 28 hours changed...
Sunday, January 18, 2009
but we should be good as gold on wednesday. sorry for any disappointment today.
happy shanty going.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Norae bang shanty togethor.
Norae shanty is up and we are ready to for the big opening weekend. wahooooo@!!!!!!!!
BIG THANKS to........BEN,KURT,JOSE, and as always the man that helps make any of this possible... MIKE HOYT the master of shanty-ness oh and to david for towing the shanty to her home for the next few weeks. ohs mys goodnessesesesesesese...
excited.. for the JAN 17 opening.. come one come all and sings us some tunes luvs.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Norae Bang Shanty 2009 OUT ON THE ICE SOON>>>!!!!!!
FRIDAY 3pm-9pm
SATURDAY 12pm-6pm
SUNDAY 12pm-6pm
We set up the Norae on Sat, Jan 10th. IN the morning. we should be up and running before the 17th..
If you would like to schedule a private karoake party for you and your loved ones, or co-workers, or friends...!!!!!! These are the Requirements:
-Three hour Party for $75 dollars (suggested Donation) this covers gas, propane, our time......battery power.
-Shanty fits a max of 10 People.... we cannot be having wild parties out on the Ice so we pretty much have to stick to 10 people!!!! Unless it is during the day time and we have scheduled your party at that time.
-Some suggested nights and times are:
- Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday....Evenings...
- Times.....7-10pm
afternoon times can be arranged but you must contact us for arrangment. - Contact to set up your private party..(612)-423-3747
You wont want to miss your opportunity to do this.. Get a bunch of people to pitch in and come have the Private karoake party of Your Winter dreams.......
Taffi and I (HOMERr) have just finished some minor shopping for the shanty construction. We got some darling candles for the evenings of song in the shanty and delightful screws to hold the shanty togethor... how exciting...!!!!!!!!
we are also busy developing our t-shirts which will be done by local artist and stylist MISSY (visit this lady at REWIND cause its to die.. for ) and of course buttons Provided by the lovely JENNY>> and from what I have heard Missy has done the t-shirt design well, and its so terminally cool that most of the world will die when they purchase one. Not to mention the fact that in like two years it will be a collectors item because of our ultimate coolness and Minneapolis famous stardom..!!!!!
We also have new songs that we will be purchasing (legally) and some updated PR material that is sure to make your skin glow and eyes water with delight.
For reals you are gonna want one of our posters cause its just the cutest!!! and sure to go down in art shanty poster history.
There will be five artists this year out in our shanty. Each artist will provide at least five Small pieces that will be featured and displayed weekly on one of our superstar shanty walls.... Were working on a installation for the outside of the shanty but thats in the works for the current moment.
More info onthe way....!!!!!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Art Shanty season approaching fast!
The 2009 season of the ArtShantyProjects is a few weeks away. We should have sufficient ice to get our shacks out onto Medicine Lake.
This year I will not be participating in much ASP, Norae action but rest assured the Norae Shanty will continue to rock throughout the 5 week exhibit. Thanks in most part to this years super KJ team of Jesse Siegel and Taffi Vagilante.
Enjoy the project and hopefully I'll make it out for a few songs.
Projects Dates January 17th through February 14th.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Bringing down the house...

I got a sweet call from J-Ham as I was getting on I35 heading south toward home after a long week of work. It was news, rather sad news, that they were assembling yesterday evening (Hawaii time) to strike the Norae Shanty. J-Ham was curious as to what would be a good send off song as they were planning to sing karaoke outside while taking the shanty down. It was a sweet and sad way to hear it was going down.
I could not come up with a good song other than the songs that are always sung in the Norae Shanty (love shack, bohemian rhapsody,etc.) so I threw out The Smiths as I knew Gabe from Papa Lucks would appreciate that. We had a few good Smiths "Rock Blocks" during my short run in HI. I heard from J-Ham that she and Jeff both showed up with their Rock Block shirts on, pretty sweet!
After we hung up I quickly texted back that there should definitely be some Prince, preferably Purple Rain.
Lets hope it all came down easily and nobody got hurt by falling speakers or sharp corrugated metal. To all my HI peeps, I'll be singing one for you tonight. Please send pictures!